Kris Hoellen | Executive Director | 443-627-2392 | |
Amanda Barrett | Creative Director | 443-627-2387 | |
Kerri Bentkowski | Grants Manager | 443-627-2379 | |
Eileen Blinzley | Director of Programming | 443-627-2371 | |
Joseph Bury | Director of Visitor Services | 443-627-2383 | |
Alex Carle | Curatorial Assistant | 443-627-2380 | |
Joyce Conerly | Housekeeping Manager | 443-627-2376 | |
Phinehas Danby-Cobbina | Office Manager & Board Liaison | 443-627-2373 | |
Lauren Degener | Social Media/Content Manager | 443-627-2395 | |
Joel Drabkin | Controller | 443-627-2390 | |
Jonathan Goldman | Chief Curator | 443-627-2378 | |
Kathy Hargest | Director of Events & Corporate Partnerships | 443-627-2374 | |
George Harwood | Restorationist | 410-566-1692 | |
Sam Hughes | Volunteer Manager | 443-627-2393 | |
Steven Johnson | Director of Facilities | 443-627-2386 | |
Anna Kresmer | Archivist | 443-627-2389 | |
Kelly Loughran | Donor, Member, & Group Services Manager | 443-627-2391 | |
Dwayne McCoy | Superintendent of Rail Operations | 410-566-1692 | |
Jamie Partridge | Project Manager, Restoration Department | 410-566-1692 | |
Lee Anne Spear | Education Specialist | 443-627-2385 | |
JoAnne Woolley | Chief Development Officer | 443-627-2381 | |
Tom Yorke | Chief Marketing Officer | 443-627-2388 | |