From its inception, the railroad has been a driving force of progress in America. 

In 2027, railroading turns 200, and there will be celebrations throughout the country, commemorating railroad’s past and honoring its future. Join us! 

Become a Partner

We are inviting organizations throughout the country to partner with us as we launch a website to prepare for the 200th anniversary of American railroading celebration in 2027. The website will:

  • Be a place for the general public to find activities near them.
  • Raise the visibility of the 200th anniversary and amplify the participating organizations.
  • Serve as a place for organizations to list their events for 2027.

We are currently seeking partners to help launch the website. To participate, we only seek your pledge to host an event (or otherwise participate) in 2027 and permission to display your organization name and logo on the website. Details, dates, and other event logistics will be published in the searchable calendar as they are developed by you. In return, your organization will be featured prominently on the site.

Interested in learning more?

Please contact

Geoffrey Morrison
December 2022

The B&O Railroad Museum is easily one of the best railroad museums in the country, if not the world.

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